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Industry 4.0

The industrial revolution depends on reliable wireless communication

Nowadays, modern production is not possible without direct communication between the machines (M2M communication). Some fields of application could be sending the request for new production material, error messages and alerts, maintenance information, virtual realities in production and development, or the communication of completion to the ERP system. All these modern production lines trust on reliable wireless communication between the machines. In addition to highest flexibility, this also means that e.g. battery-driven vehicles in production halls as a self-driver can rely on permanent wireless communication.

If this communication is interrupted or temporarily interfered, the production line suffers from downtime. This may have a considerable impact on supply chains. Consequences can be delays in the delivery, but also supply bottlenecks. This can lead to considerable economic loss and breach of contracts, as well as the loss of trust and reputation.

Make sure that small or short interference in the communication network does not lead to considerable downtimes in your production line by permanently monitoring the wireless communication paths. We will be glad to assist you with your further steps!

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